In his book A Guide to Happiness (Onnellisuuden opas), Timo Airaksinen poses the question of why people cannot experience lasting happiness, despite material welfare and security.
Timo Airaksinen (b. 1947 in Vaasa) is a professor of philosophy. In addition to his academic work, he writes popular-science books in which he addresses the big questions in life. His subjects include the self, technology, happiness, ageing and love.
Prof. Airaksinen obtained his doctorate from the University of Turku. He contributes to numerous philosophical journals and is on the editorial board of the Finnish philosophy journal Acta Philosophica Fennica. He has also published a number of textbooks on philosophy.
German (Accedo)
Ukrainian (Anetta Antonenko Publishers)
Finnish edition
German edition
It is great that a Western University philosopher has opened his mind to the wisdom of the East. While the West and East encounter in a globalized world, it is often on the terms of the West. We have to germinate many external issues, but in terms of the inner reality, we still have much to learn from the thinkers of the East. A Guide to Happiness is an excellent example of this. – Helsingin Sanomat