Siiri’s toys bring her joy but today there is some sorrow in the air too.
Siiri’s mum is fed up of all the mess and instructs her family to throw out every single item that doesn’t bring its owner joy. Siiri is pretty sure all her toys still bring her joy and only manages to bin the old tattered teddy bear she’d inherited from her mum. By nightfall Siiri needs help from her friends in getting the teddy back!
The characters found in the Siiri books are among the most loved in Finnish children’s literature. Siiri is an energetic little girl, and Little Otto, Middle Otto, and Big Otto are her best friends. The Siiri books, created by author Tiina Nopola and illustrator Mervi Lindman, are as joyous and bright as Siiri herself.
Siiri and her New Friends, 2002
Siiri and the Upstairs Neighbour, 2003
Siiri and Messy Gretel, 2004
Siiri and the Horrid Pig, 2005
Siiri and the Little Flea, 2006
Siiri and the Perky Puppy, 2008
Siiri’s Christmas Surprise, 2009
Siiri and the Scary Ghost, 2010
Siiri Scores a Goal, 2011
Siiri and the Yeti, 2012
Siiri and the Wild Toddler, 2013
Siiri and the Star, 2014
Siiri Finds a Seashell, 2015
Siiri and the Lucky Horse, 2016
Siiri and Curious Casper, 2017
Siiri and the Bold Rabbit, 2018
Siiri and the Tattered Teddy, 2020
Age: 3+
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