Jenni Haukio
Publication date
May 2023
Format info
304 pages

Serving a Greater Purpose: My Years as First Lady of Finland

Si­nun täh­te­si tääl­lä. Vuodet tasavallan presidentin puolisona

Finland’s revered First Lady opens up about her life and work over the past decade.

Jenni Haukio describes her role as the spouse of the President of the Republic of Finland as both an honour and a privilege. For the first time, she opens up about both the visible and invisible service she has engaged in over the past ten years.

Jenni Haukio’s prominence has seen her forge friendships with her international counterparts and other notable personages. In this memoir, she uniquely weaves together her societal visions and the causes closest to her heart, inviting readers behind the scenes.

Whilst not a political memoir, Haukio’s sensitively attuned and honest narrative will appeal to those interested in gaining deep insights in to the social and political values and traditions that have shaped Finland into a highly successful Nordic democratic republic on the borderline of the West and the East.

Rights sold

Estonian (Koolibri)


Finnish Edition
Full English Translation
Author Letter

Prizes & nominations

2023, Adlibris Award nominee, category non-fiction