Markus Majaluoma

The personal drawing style of writer and artist Markus Majaluoma (b. 1961) goes straight to the heart of the viewer. He knows how to beguile the reader through the overall visuality of his books as well as by weaving a perfect drawing into a harmonious element of a story.
As a storyteller, Majaluoma is simultaneously comforting, funny and easily approachable. In Majaluoma’s Dad series, the father and his three children have adventures while the mother is out at work. And the outcome of their exertions always surprises everyone – especially the mother and the neighbours.

Majaluoma’s books deal with subjects and emotions that are important to children. His stories laugh hilariously at the seriousness and preciseness of adults. Underneath all of this is Majaluoma’s deep understanding of the world of children, where humour and imagination help overcome even the most difficult of obstacles. The writer encourages children to bravely embrace creativity and shows that playing, musing and idling are important for everyone. Majaluoma often manages to present familiar things in a completely new and fresh light by changing the perspective on them.

Majaluoma’s captivating illustrations have also been published in the press in Finland and his hilarious books have been published in France, India, China, Lebanon, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Latvia, Hungary and Poland.


Adventure Prize 2005
State Award 1997
Rudolf Koivu Prize 1993


Hulda kulta, tästä pääsee rannalle! (2013)
Hulda kulta, maailma on avara (2011)
Hulda kulta, luetaan iltasatu! (2010)
Isä, ostetaan kesämökki! (2009)
Suu auki, Hulda, Pottusammakko tulee! (2008)
Yhdeksän porilaista (2008)
Hulda ja Jalmari (2006)
Isä, koska joulupukki tulee? (2005)
Isä, rakennetaan maja! (2004)
Isä, lähdetään sieneen! (2003)
Isä, lähdetään saareen! (2002)
Leonardo, lentäjän poika (2001)
Sairaan siisti kipsi (2000)
Olavi ja Aapo, merten urhot (1998)
Haikaroiden automatka (1997)
Olavi ja Aapo (1996)
Haikaroiden vauva (1994)
Kapteeni Castello ja perämies Åberg matkaavat etelään (1990)

