Juhan Brander shortlisted for the Eeva Joenpelto Prize 2024 with THE PROMISED LAND!

Warmest congratulations to Juhani Brander, who has been shortlisted for the Eeva Joenpelto Prize 2024 with his critically acclaimed novel THE PROMISED LAND (Amerikka, WSOY 2023)! The winner will be announced 8 June.
The jury describes the work as follows:

Juhani Brander’s distinctive novel THE PROMISED LAND, set in the post-war Turku archipelago, is linguistically polished, lyrical and, in places, exhilaratingly poignant. The events, peering into magical realism, are touchingly and believably described from the perspective of a young boy raised by a grandmother. The islanders’ idiosyncratic community and its ultimate ethos of survival is wonderfully portrayed in an airy dialogue of fact and fiction. A poignant, evocative work that will stay with you in your dreams.