Timo Parvela
Mari Luoma
Publication date
October 2024
Format info
128 pp, ages 9+

Mission Nearly Impossible 5: The Hunt

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The fifth book in the popular “Almost Impossible Mission” mystery series takes the reader on a wild online hunt for Castor who suddenly disappears.

Conversations with Castor, who resides deep within the web, have become more important to Elias than anything else—until Castor stops responding. When Elias attempts to re-establish the connection, he can only hear the distant barking of bloodhounds. The frantic search for Castor leads Elias, Mino, and Molly on the door of a real-life tech wizard and a suspicious dog shelter. Yet the final hunt for Castor’s whereabouts takes place – online, of course!


Finnish Editions of books 1-5
Full English (1) set in lay-out

Rights sold

Polish, Books 1-3 (Dwukropek)


’Parvela knows how to write engagingly for young readers who read little or avoid books. There is nothing superfluous, and the plot never
stalls for a moment….…you can’t bear to put cthe book down. It would be a nearly impossible mission in itself.’ – Mari Viertola, Turun Sanomat, of Mission Nearly Impossible 1
