Maaret Kallio
Publication date
October 2024
Format info

Peace of Mind


How to strengthen your own peace of mind?

Psychotherapy Educator Maaret Kallio writes about inner peace of mind, psychological balance and an accepting attitude even when faced with difficulties in life.

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Finnish PDF available soon
English sample translation tk (September 2024)

Rights sold

Dutch (AW Bruna)
Estonian (Äripäev)


‘As the Dutch publisher of Maaret Kallio’s RESOLUTELY KIND, we are more than excited to continue publishing this wonderful author, and are happy to announce we’re also publishing her new book PEACE OF MIND. It’s a wonderful and important book for these times, and we cannot wait for the Dutch readers to start reading!’ Anoek Sutter, aquiring editor, A.W. Bruna, Netherlands

‘There’s a lot to be said for Kallio’s style of writing… In a clear and practical way, she provides the reader with everyday examples at the beginnings of her chapters.’ — Taru Väänänen, Uusimaa newspaper on THE POWER OF HOPE

‘Kallio manages to substantiate her arguments convincingly using both practical examples and source literature.’ — Hyvä terveys magazine on THE POWER OF HOPE

‘Thank you, Maaret Kallio. Your book really got me thinking about where I draw hope and power from in my life and how I can muster up even more power in order to deal with the difficulties we’re all facing today.’ — Iris Saloranta, Itä Hame newspaper on THE POWER OF HOPE