Cristal Snow
Kati Vuorento
Publication date
October 2022
Format info
217 pages, age 7+

Penny Peanutheart and the Secret of Shivers Peak

Penni Pähkinäsydän ja Viluhallan salaisuus

Wonderfully imaginative, funny and heartfelt 6-part-series about the feisty fairy girl Penny follows her through a year of change that prepares her for her destiny. Penny, like we all, learns her life-lessons one stumble at a time.

The third part of this refreshingly original series finds the Windnest Wood’s fairy community in disarray. A thief has made away with several pairs of the fairies’ wings during a winter blizzard. Without their wings fairies are in danger of turning into elves, which is not a desired fate for any fairy. Penny and her friends spring enthusiastically into action to help the local constabulary to solve the case. The girls’ investigation leads them not only to the thief but also to Shivers Peak, a mysterious place they’ve only heard about in stories. Shivers Peak’s secrets are there for the taking but only for those brave enough to enter. Penny must be braver than ever before to get through this adventure.

There are five season’s in the fairy world. So far we’ve seen summer, autumn and now winter with Penny, and two more seasons, and books are to follow. The series builds up to a full year of Penny’s life; a year of growth, heartache and learning—each season strengthens her heart in new ways, in preparation for her future. It is also a year filled with happiness, adventure, friendship, laughter and love.

You have no idea how thrilled I am whenever I receive a new manuscript of Penny Peanutheart -series. I love nothing better than drawing the amazingly lovely characters from Cristal’s fairy universe. The Windnest Woods already feels like a real place to me: the underground corridors of the fairies, Peanutheart’s cozy home, not to mention Mrs. Raspberry’s decorative pink boudoir! It would be simply wonderful to be able to wonder around them as a tiny fairy. These fairies, and their relationships, are full of such humanity that it makes Penny books interesting even for adults. Kati Vuorento, illustrator

Prizes & Nominations

This delightful series has been nominated for the Runeberg Junior and Arvid Lydecken prizes.


Finnish edition
English full translation of Penny Peanutheart 1
Synopses of books 1-3
Outline of books 4-6

Rights sold

Polish (Nasza Księgarnia)

Czech (Albatros)
Italian (Piemme)
Latvian (Zvaigzne ABC)


’A touching and beautiful story about friendship, told through the eyes of a fairy. The author is a talented, versatile linguist. The book also includes a healthy dose of humour, as well as surprises. Like classic fairy tales, the book reminds us that although we can make mistakes in life, the most important thing is to learn from them. An exceptionally rounded story which we hope shall continue further.’ Runeberg Junior Prize Jury on Penny #1

‘…the language is rich and playful …the story prompts the reader to reflect on the consequences of  selfishness, jealousy, and prejudice.’ Arvid Lydecken Prize Jury on Penny #1

‘The skillfully constructed fairy world is multidimensional, insightful and riveting. We are escorted through feelings of guilt, envy and regret as the little fairy girl Penny  tries to sort out the mess of her own making. It’s easy for the reader to dive into the depths of Windnest Woods and to believe in its existence. The story is delicate and poignant, and the surprising twists are laugh-out-loud funny’. Satunurkka (Children’s Literature blog)
