The secret to making dreams come true
In this never-before-told origin story of how Santa Claus became Santa Claus, we set off on an incredible journey, learning what it really takes to make positive things happen in our lives. Nicolas Claus – the young Santa Claus – feels trapped by the culture of stagnation and fear that prevails in his home town of Stadis Kuo in Finnish Lapland. With the help of his elf mentor Urho the Wise, Nicolas leaves on a quest to find his dream. As he travels, Nicolas faces challenges and tasks in the four main elf villages of Dream Valley, which are named after the four key qualities that he must come to master and understand: Openness, Trial, Effort and Bravery.
Santa’s Dream is a fictional tale that combines powerful storytelling with strong educational content. On his journey, the young Nicolas Claus learns how to turn his love of toy-making into a life that will bring pleasure and value to him and everyone around him. At the end of his quest, Nicolas must climb the dangerous peak of Dream Mountain to meet his final challenge and the key to his destiny.
Each chapter has the length of an ideal bedtime story. They all end with a set of questions, highlighting the lessons that Nicolas has learned. The point of these interactive sections is to provide a platform for a conversation about the meaning and impact of Nicolas’s experiences. Though the main purpose of Santa’s Dream is to tell an entertaining story, many of the events draw on mainstream scientific research in the fields of psychology, communication, education, economics and sociology.
Santa’s challenges are relevant to the lives of both young people and adults. From the start, the author has designed Santa’s Dream to help all readers – children, parents and individuals of all ages and interests – share their dreams and struggles with each other and to make positive and sutainable changes in their lives.
English edition
Finnish edition