Publication date
Format info
285 pages, Size: 155 mm x 215 mm

Temperament, Stress and Life Management

Temperamentti, stressi ja elämänhallinta

Professor Keltikangas-Järvinen defines the meaning of our inborn temperaments in our adult lives: at work and in our ability to deal with stress, and in our relationships. The inborn differences in our temperaments serve to explain how people remain as unique individuals even when they have been raised together and share the same life experiences.

Keltikangas-Järvinen clarifies the development of stress sensitivity in an individual; why the same thing is  a challenge to one and a threat to another, and why people cope so differently with the pressures of working life. This insightful book adds to your self-awareness and understanding, and you will learn to manage your life and your well-being by making the right choices for you as an individual.