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272 pages

The Strike

Henna Björk 1. Isku

The opening title of Christian Rönnbacka’s HENNA BJÖRK series throws the tough, young Henna Björk into the ugly misdeeds of an international criminal organization

Abdul, Emmanuel, and Ismael were barely ten years old when they were forced to become killers under a notorious Sierra Leonean commander called Toojay. Twenty years later, Abdul’s battered body is discovered in Finland.

The police find their first clue: Abdul’s warning to Emmanuel and Ismael, who have resettled in Sweden. Toojay will clearly stop at nothing to silence them.

Jarmo Rautiainen, the Chief Inspector of the Security and Intelligence Service, follows a lead to Gothenburg where he recruits Henna Björk, a young Iraqi-Finnish police officer from the ranks of the local civil service. Henna grew up in a troubled neighbourhood and is an expert in gang violence. She’s sharp and familiar with the Finnish police service.

In the first part of the action-packed Henna Björk series, the seemingly easy task of bringing a former child soldier to Finland as a witness escalates into a suspenseful escape drama.


Full English translation
Finnish edition