“ ‘War’s coming’. One day my father comes out with the familiar words in a totally unfamiliar way, while we’re sitting round the kitchen table eating, or just starting to eat.
He says to mother, as if we simply aren’t there, as if we don’t need to bother, or as if listening means not understanding. Or perhaps they’ve simply no other chance to speak to each other, as father’s always got to be off hunting, or on his way to the station, and mother’s always cooking.
Yes, it’s definitely coming now.”
During the time of the Winter war, Eeva Kilpi was an 11-year old-schoolgirl in Karelia. The territory was ceded to the Soviet Union and the population was evacuated.
Kilpi’s controlled analysis of the time reveals something invaluable about the war seen from a child’s perspective. Kilpi also examines the border between remembering and forgetting.
The Time of the Winter War is a sincere and carefully sketched fictional documentary. It offers a vivid, touching picture of the home front, the breath of the times and the spirit of the era.
Please ask for the availability of rights in your territory!
English sample translation (books 1-3)
Full Finnish pdf (books 1-3)