An endearing and profound picture book about the ebb and flow of life
These three delightful tales continue to follow the life of the artistic Fox we first met in the Finlandia C&YA nominated Fox Tails. As Fox is getting older, the once-thrilling task of keeping the village summer shop is losing its luster. Seeking a spark of excitement, Fox invites a young badger to join as a sales assistant. But much to Fox’s bafflement, and disdain, Badger’s interests lie in entirely different realms! Yet, as the summer unfolds, a common thread emerges, weaving together the wisdom of age and the curiosity of youth.
Trading Tails tells of the gradual, and natural changes in the life of Fox and the forest community. The stories provide comforting reassurance about the circle of life. There is also profound poignancy in the realization of how the beginning of a new chapter in life is invariably mirrored by an equally significant ending.
Trading Tails captivates its readers with the warmth of friendship, the ever-turning wheel of life, and the beauty of connection.
Fox Tails (2019)
Finnish Edition
English translation set in layout
‘Netta Lehtola’s colourful pictures perfectly complement these stories tackling themes of friendship, loneliness and loss. Could this become a classic like The Little Prince or The Frog and the Toad series?’ — HS Viikko newspaper
’Fox Tails combines charming stories about growing up, how to handle sadness and friendship. It deals with the fragility of life, but also its richness and joy. This book’s pictures and story perfectly complement one another. Set in a peaceful and colourful world, this picture book combines traditional illustration techniques with the illustrator’s own, unprejudiced worldview beautifully, resulting in a truly touching story.’ – Finlandia C&YA Prize Jury
’A sensitive story about friendship and realizing one’s true calling.’ – Maaseudun tulevaisuus newspaper