Kristiina Louhi
Publication date
Format info
47 pages

Tundra Mouse Mountain: An Arctic Journey

Minä, äiti ja tunturihärkki

Sari and her mother embark upon a trip that will come to define their relationship

Filled with touching observations and poignant moments of self-discovery, this picture book follows Sari’s summer trip with her mother.

On an adventure to Norway’s Arctic coast, and with a dried flower named Tundra Mouse in tow, Sari finds that the inner journey she’s embarking upon with her mother even more rewarding than the trip itself. Evoking the aura and atmosphere of the majestic Arctic, this tale captures the unique bond between a mother and her daughter and explores the depths of human experience, as seen through the eyes of a young girl.

It’s a lyrically told and incredibly touching book that manages tell a difficult story gently.

Riitta Jalonen (b. 1954) has written fiction for adults and young readers, as well as picture books for children. Her works have received the Finlandia Junior Prize and the Runeberg Prize. Kristiina Louhi (b. 1950) is a much-loved writer and illustrator in Finland.


The Girl and the Jackdaw Tree, 2004
Tundra Mouse Mountain: An Arctic Journey, 2005
Northern Lights on Snow, 2006


Ages: 5-7


Finnish PDF

Rights sold

Bangla (Bangladesh/G.H. Habid)
Chinese (Beijing Science and Technology Press)
English (Winged Chariot Press)
France (Oskar Editions)
Swedish (Söderström)