Narrative non-fiction (49)
The Art of Sleep
Nukkumisen taito
Domestic sales more than 10 000 copies in 4 months!
First foreign right...
I See You
Minä näen sinut. Arvostuksen psykologiaa
Why do we want to be seen, noticed, and appreciated? I SEE YOU: THE PSYCHOLOGY O...
Peace of Mind
How to strengthen your own peace of mind?
Psychotherapy Educator Maaret Kal...
Exit Stories
Exit Stories. 12 Unicorn Founders Share Every Do-or-Die Detail
The unicorns share all.
What does it take to build a billion-dollar company? ...
The Death of the Man
Miehen kuolema
An articulate and personal exploration of masculinity in fourteen essays by reno...
Sataman kapakan Hilda
A murder mystery buried in family secrets comes to light followed by years of am...
The Russian Idea
Venäjän idea
A chillingly salient classic of political history by Finnish statesman and Russi...
Ukraine’s Black Gold
Ukrainan musta multa
A True Story About the Soil That Was to Have Fed the World
A narrative accoun...
The Power of Two
Tunne hyvä suhde
How to Forge a Strong Emotional Connection in Your Relationship
A strong emot...
The Power of Hope
Voimana toivo
A timely and instructive guide to harnessing the power of hope in the face of un...
Journey to Istanbul
Lähdin Istanbuliin
Mika Waltari's infamous travelogue about his 1948 journey to Istanbul from a pos...
A Lonely Man’s Train
Yksinäisen miehen juna
Mika Waltari's infamous travelogue documenting his 1929 return trip from Helsink...
The Big O Workbook
Iso O - Harjoituskirja
An indispensable toolkit for women, those who identify as women, and their partn...
Resolutely Kind
Lujasti lempeä
From the world’s happiest nation*, a practical and compassionate approach to p...
Unlock Your Life Traps
Murra tunnelukkosi
A follow-up to the hugely successful Know Your Life Traps.
Weigh up, test, an...
Why We Fear
Pelon hinta
Why We Fear gets to grips with the essence of fear in life and in business.
Best Enjoyed Raw
Nautitaan raakana
Why is it so much easier to choose good chocolate over a good workout?
Santa’s Dream
Joulupukin unelma
The secret to making dreams come true
In this never-before-told ori...
A Guide to Happiness
Onnellisuuden opas
In his book A Guide to Happiness (Onnellisuuden opas), Timo Airaksinen poses t...
Know Your Heart
Tunne sydämesi
A new title from the author of the best-selling book on schema therapy: How to...
Know Your Life Traps
Tunne lukkosi
Tried and tested, hailed by its users: Everyman’s top tool for unlocking the...
Litmanen 10
The King’s story, now in his own words. Jari Litmanen is finally looking bac...
Sociability and Social Skills
Sosiaalisuus ja sosiaaliset taidot
Professor Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen delves in her book into sociability, soci...
My Life as a Boy
Elämäni poikana
A polemic for boys in a new kind of world
The child psychiatrist Jari...
Tanks and Roaches
Torakoita ja panssarivaunuja
The collapse of the socialist system as seen from the inside - An incredible jou...
Chinese Love Story
Kiinalainen rakkaustarina
Only love is rebellion. They fought for human rights of others - and lost thei...