SHADOWS, the new trilogy by Timo Parvela & Pasi Pitkänen just might be the one to reach all corners of the world faster than Father Christmas himself!
SHADOWS is now thrice pre-empted within weeks from submission; for German by Katharina Braun at Ars Edition and for Dutch by Emile Op de Coul at WPG Kindermedia/Condor and for Danish by Lisette Agerbo Holm at Straarup & Co. In addition Helios won the Estonian three-way auction, and Mann, Ivanov, Ferber emerged the winner of the intense and high-bidding five-way-auction in Russia.
photo © Tammi/Jari Kivelä
At the centre of all this interest is of course a great story, told over three books. SHADOWS by Timo Parvela and Pasi Pitkänen is an icy-cool Nordic adventure, thriller even, for middle graders. Parvela weaves a dense web of darkness around the most iconic of the Northern myths; the Father Christmas. Appropriately for the age group, kindness is at the heart of this story but it is under severe threat from a dark force gathering strength up in the North.
SHADOWS aptly originates from Finland, the official homeland of Santa. The book #1 of the trilogy has just been published by Tammi, Finland’s market leader in children’s books. The second book is already written and shall be out in Spring’22, the third book is in the making and to be published in September’22. Pasi Pitkänen illustrates all three in his unmistakable atmospheric and captivating style.
‘We love everything about SHADOWS: the theme of trading your shadow, the swift storytelling and the fantastic illustrations. A chilling must read for 10+!’ – Emile Op de Coul, Publisher, Condor
‘I´m really in love with Shadows! It´s such a thrilling, powerful, suspenseful story and the illustrations are just brilliant, too! I love how Timo interweaves traditional folk tales and literary motifs to a modern story with recent cultural references. The illustrations are beautiful and wonderful, too. Scary and wonderful! These are the kind of books that make me feel proud to work in children’s publishing, really!’ – Katharina Braun, Publisher, Ars Edition
‘I have read and think it’s a truly gripping, atmospheric and thrilling story. It surprises you, it’s always unpredictable, takes turns you didn’t expect. The winter chill, the subtle yet at the same time screaming political criticism and the children’s desperate and very moving effort to change the course of what’s happening, makes such an enthralling impact together with the stunning, just stunning illustrations.’ Quote from an unnamed publisher currently considering the trilogy on yet another territory.
We have full English translation, set in layout, of BOOK ONE of SHADOWS available. The translation is by Katriina Kitchens.