A cold case crime and dark secrets of a close-knit community intertwine in this bracing crime novel with a twist.
Top10 bestselling series in Germany, Iceland, Sweden and Finland! Sold to 20 language territories to date!
Everyone does their best to survive amidst the freezing fjords of remote Iceland. Hildur Rúnarsdóttir is no different as she takes to surfing in the icy waters of the Atlantic to try and forget her traumatic childhood and the burden of the cases occupying her mind as head of the missing children’s unit of the Ísafjörður police.
When Jakob Johanson, a Finnish police trainee with a knitting hobby arrives in Iceland to work alongside Hildur and try to escape his own, complicated life back at home, soon he, too, realises that the picturesque fjords also harbour their dark sides in the marginalized, exploitative, and power-hungry who dwell in their midst. Hildur and Jakob find themselves investigating a strange tangle of crimes as the fog obscuring secrets that have been in the dark for decades gradually begins to lift. Revenge may be sweet in theory, but will it solve anything in the end?
With a unique blend of Finnish and Icelandic sensibility, HILDUR launches a refreshing voice in the Nordic Noir tradition with a pinch of folkloric mysticism that is a must-read for fans of Maria Adolfsson’s Doggerland series or Arnaldur Indriðason’s atmospheric Erlendur series.
Nominee, ThrillZone Awards 2023/Netherlands, category best translated crime fiction debut
Winner – Nextory E-Book Awards 2023, category fiction
Winner – Supla Audio Awards, Audio Book of the Year 2022
Winner – Bookbeat Awards, Newcomer of the Year 2022
Nominee – ‘Tulenkantaja’ Finnish Literary Export Prize 2022
Finnish edition
Full English translation
German: Heyne
Czech: HarperCollins Czech
Danish: Gutkind
Dutch: Ambo|Anthos
English UK & Commonwealth ex. Canada: Bonnier Zaffre
Estonian: Eesti Raamat
French: Le Seuil
Hungarian: Animus
Icelandic: Forlagid
Italian: Newton Compton
Latvian: Zvaigzne ABC
Lithuanian: Obuolys
Norwegian: Bonnier Norsk
Polish: HarperCollins Polska
Portuguese: Cultura
Serbian: Laguna
Slovak: Ikar
Spanish World: Salamandra/Penguin Random House
Swedish: Bokförlaget Forum
Ukrainian: Laboratory
Film/TV: Take Two Studios/Sagafilm/Story House (option)
‘Hildur Rúnarsdóttir, a police detective who surfs the icy waters of Iceland, barrels into the genre like a tsunami. This book must be read in one sitting.’ – Max Seeck, NYT and Der Spiegel bestselling author
‘In addition to the fine and moody description of the milieu, the plotting of the novel is cleverly woven, and the characters in their everyday life are believable. Rämö plans to continue Hildur’s story, and if she does it as well as in this, her debut novel, she may become a significant new name in Nordic crime fiction. Or at the very least, a domestic one.’ – Helsingin Sanomat newspaper, Finland
‘Not only is Rämö a stylish, absorbing storyteller, but she also succeeds in offering up something novel and even touching to the rather tired serial killer genre. The bar for debut crime novelists has been set high in recent years, but Satu Rämö surpasses it effortlessly and lifts the bar even higher. Such well-executed, mature and uniquely their own crime debuts are a joy to read. […] The ending of Hildur sets the scene for the next installment, and just as well as we need more of this treat.’ – Kansan Uutiset newspaper, Finland
‘Here’s the best crime debut of the summer: it pulls you along like a train, is interesting, and has the right balance of personal relationships. It’s fresh and new, and also relatable. This is a genre that thrives on cliches, and these are needed, but in good measure – not too many – and this [book] strikes the right balance. The text is snappy, smart and tells just the right amount. I love it! Chapeau, Satu Rämö.’ – Emma Alftan, former publisher and founder of Mellakka Management, Finland
‘Highly recommended!’ – Kirsin Book Club, Finland
‘Splendid!’ – Kirjaluotsi blog, Finland
‘Rämö constructions interesting characters for her main characters. When I read the description of the book, I admit I was skeptical, as it is so common to insert gendered characters of traumatized and complex police officers into crime novels. Hildur is gnawed at by the memory of her lost little siblings in childhood, and Jakob battles with his Norwegian ex-wife over visitation rights to his son. As the book progresses, the individuals are fleshed out, the personalities become stronger, as do the friendships of the co-workers. Gendered roles are also reversed, as Hildur is an engrossed surfer and Jakob produces Icelandic sweaters with the power of knitting. Healthy!’ – Tuijata blog, Finland
‘The motive behind the pattern of murders in Hildur is ultimately, satisfyingly Icelandic and the plotting cunning. Combine this with an incomparably interesting milieu and pleasant and interesting protagonists and one will patiently wait for the next installment.’ – Kirsin kirjanurkka blog, Finland
‘I am absolutely thrilled to be bringing the Hildur series to the UK and to be working with the amazingly talented Satu. With her incredible characterisation and intricate storytelling, the Hildur series is set to be the next big thing in Nordic crime fiction’ – Isabella Boyne, acquiring editor, Bonnier Zaffe UK
‘Rämö does everything right; an exciting plot, an interesting main character and an appealing environment. This makes Hildur an excellent debut that fits well into the Scandi tradition and certainly calls for a sequel…’ – ThrillZone blog, The Netherlands
‘This debut does not only offer a gripping case, but a cast of intriguing characters, too. Together with wonderfully atmospheric depictions of Icelandic landscapes this results in an incredibly good read and a thrilling Nordic Noir novel that will excite crime fans and Iceland lovers alike.’ – Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany
‘As a reader I am anxiously waiting for the next part [of the Hildur -series].’ – Thomas Badtke, ntv, Germany
‘Author Satu Rämö tells this first Hildur thriller simply wonderfully. Credible, authentic and psychologically coherent. And the resolution of who the serial killer is: Phew, what a surprise!’ – buecher.de, Germany
‘What a wonderful story author Satu Rämö has packaged here in a thrilling, grueling, yet very quiet crime thriller. An interesting case that is solved conclusively and credibly and a very likeable investigator duo make this book an absolute pleasure to read.’ – krimi-couch.de, Germany
‘Author Satu Rämö makes a spectacular crime thriller debut with “Hildur: The Trail in the Fjord”. The plot and suspense are first-class. The novel exudes a special atmosphere, which certainly has something to do with the harsh Icelandic landscape. But it is the novel’s characters, first and foremost the brittle yet tough Hildur, who surfs in ice-cold water but warms the reader’s heart, that are the most appealing. Great! We’re already looking forward to the sequels.’ – espresso magazine, Germany
‘With Hildúr Rúnarsdóttir, the crime genre has gained an extraordinary female detective.’ – Insider, Austria
‘The book is great. I’m very curious to see how the series continues and whether the knitting colleague is still on the team.’ – Kamikaze Radio, Germany
‘With ‘Hildur. Die Spur im Fjord‘ the author Satu Ramö sets out a spectacular crime debut. Plot and suspension are first class. Great!’ – gesundheit!, Germany
‘Promising’ – Lotta Olsson, Dagens Nyheter, Sweden
‘Nerve-wracking. A masterpiece in the crime fiction genre.’ – Ingallil Mosander, Aftonbladet, Sweden
‘Original and well-written.’ – Femina magazine, Sweden
‘A really gripping book from start to finish. Love the milieu descriptions, so detailed and vivid. The characters feel very credible and were exciting to follow. Incredibly well written and exciting, a real page turner. Highly recommended read.’ – Systrarna boktokiga blog, Sweden, 5 star review
‘Satu Rämö’s debut novel is a breath of fresh air! […] Wrapped up in a blanket, you turn the pages quickly, until all the pieces of the jigsaw have been put together. The ending immediately makes you want to read the rest of the saga.’ – La Voix du Nord newspaper, France
‘Satu Rämö has established herself as one of the new voices of Nordic thrillers. A voice full of humour and humanity, who has fun deconstructing all the clichés of the genre one by one, gently poking fun at her adopted homeland and taking her heroes precisely where we least expect them. […] A fine work.’ – Le Point magazine, France